EndoNaut PAD
Optimize your treatments of lower extremity PADEndoNaut PAD
Navigation, safety, and optimizationStreamline your peripheral artery disease treatments by using the smart EndoNaut PAD software workflow.
Save contrast, X-ray doses, procedure time, and increase the likelihood of better outcomes by quantifying the lesions intra-operatively and selecting the most suitable devices.
Download the brochureFull leg panorama in seconds
Without changing your workflowCreate, on-the-fly, panoramic images of the leg as you screen for lesions at the beginning of the procedure.
Our cutting-edge algorithms ensure fast panorama creation and does not interfere with your everyday workflow.
The vascular roadmap based on the panoramic view can then be overlaid on any fluoroscopic images during the procedure to save contrast and X-ray doses.
Designed to upgrade your Operating Room
Better quality care at a lower cost.
Bring image fusion technology into any existing environment. EndoNaut is already compatible with your mobile or fixed C-arms, and can be used across multiple operating rooms.
No I.T. constraints
Just connect the EndoNaut to the C-arm video output.
It's immediately ready for use.
Roadmap, reinvented
Delineate lesions
Plan your strategy using the angiography panorama, and add cues relative to the lesions to treat.
Persistent arterial mask
Once created, keep the arterial mask without additional contrast injection during staged or long occlusions treatment.
Save contrast doses
Synchronize live fluoroscopic views with the panoramic views to update the vascular roadmap in real time. Lower the need of additional contrast agent injections.
Improve clinical outcomes
Calibrate easily, optimize balloons, and stent selection based on quantitative information displayed on the panoramic view.
Want to see EndoNaut in real conditions?
Attend a workshop!Full featured image fusion system
Post treatment panorama
Update your angiography panorama with control injections and export it for procedure report
Perform length measurement from the operating table
2D digital zoom
Zoom on fluoroscopy without changing C-arm field-of-view or position
Automatic adjustment
Automatically adjust your fusion overlay on existing contrast angiography
Custom markers
Draw markers to delineate lesions on angiography panorama
Just connect EndoNaut to a C-arm video output, and you are good to go!