Precise and reliable intraoperative navigation
With image fusion technology to optimize endovascular procedures
Import data set
Import the data from EndoSize with your complete planning and relevant information.

Preoperative data
Display the preoperative planning digitally, and check all the information related to the procedure.

Plug and Play
Connect EndoNaut to any C-arm and fixed installation systems, and move it easily from one OR to another.

Image Fusion
Get the 3D fusion in seconds thanks to an AI-based patented image registration algorithm, merging fluoroscopy and CT images automatically.

Use a digital zoom at no additional X-ray dpse, and add measurements and markers as needed. Benefit from a predictive view of deformed vascular structures based on AI.
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Planning review

Import the data from EndoSize with your complete OR planning (lesion, optimal C-arm, angulation, measurements, devices, landmarks) or connect it to your NAS or PACS server to import the CT scan directly in the OR.
Image fusion

Get a high quality image fusion automatically through the patented image registration algorithms by merging fluoroscopy and CT images, and easily synchronize it after any motion detected.
3D navigation

Display the arteries' centerlines and navigate within the 3D anatomy, showing specific CT images and taking extra measurements intraoperatively.
Anatomical deformation of vessels

Use a pre-computed stiff guidewire simulation to predict and overlay the deformed vessels, creating a reliable basis for accurate intraoperative navigation.

Significantly reduce the use of contrast media and X-ray dose, during aortoiliac procedures, validated through clinical research.

Intuitively control EndoNaut right from the interventional table, via a smart touchscreen, allowing image fusion control, live measurements, smart digital zoom.
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Navigating the change
Customer Insights

The Sanador Clinic, offers cost-effective and patient-friendly healthcare solutions.
Impact of the EndoNaut
Clinical study

Impact of EndoNaut Angio-Navigation System on Radiation Exposure in Endovascular Aortic Repair.