ENDOSIZE Cardio Procedure Planning

Fast, Accurate and Efficient sizing for TAVI/TAVR procedures

Start sizing today!

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Powerful TAVI / TAVR planning tool

With an efficient and effortless workflow

• Experience the 1-click extraction of the aortic root and its quantitative and qualitative guided analysis.
• Take full advantage of the power and clarity of EndoSize TAVI: select IFU-based endovalve reference and adjust its 3D positioning.
• Create and export to PACS a comprehensive planning report, give some comments, or add snapshots.

Watch the video of EndoSize TAVI workflow. Adopt it.

Extract the aortic root in 1 click

Fast centerline creation

Get a clean aortic root from the CTA images in seconds. The aorta centerline is automatically created so you can analyze the valve precisely.

Valve annulus automatic detection

The aortic valve annulus is automatically detected, avoiding complex image manipulation.

Measure the aortic root

Perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the aortic root using measurement tools specifically tailored to TAVI procedure planning.

Access route selection

Extended analysis

Automated extraction of vascular diameters allow you to select the access route adapted to your case. Data is precisely analyzed and quantified for a well-founded decision.

Your interventional strategy

Endovalve selection

Select an aortic endovalve among available references, directly from EndoSize.
Get visual feedback of the aortic valve using 3D virtual implantation.

Custom planning report

Plan the optimal C-arm position to save time during procedures and optimize device deployment.

The PDF report integrates the measurements, the endovalve reference, and the selected strategy. Make it yours by adding comments and snapshots of 3D and 2D views.



EndoSize is available on traditional laptop and desktop,Windows PCs or Macs. More here.

Aortic root in 1 click

Centerline is quickly created and EndoSize detects automatically the aortic valve plane.

Accurate access analysis

A second scanner can be imported to extract automatically vascular diameters and detect incompatible access with the selected delivery system.

3D preview of endovalves

Implant sizes and references can be selected, previewed and positioned in 3D from EndoSize.

Looking for Vascular procedure planning?

We have dedicated modules too! EndoSize Vascular